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Wack Clubbers focus on one thing: shipping.

After building a project, like an app or website, “shipping” is publishing & sharing it online.

Your first ship your first day.

Students in many traditional computer science classes are lucky to make a single project. At Wack Clubs, every member makes & ships their first website their very first meeting.

Keeping your eyes on the prize.

Instead of learning programming concepts in isolation, learning by shipping means you focus on what you need to build real projects. It’s more fun & leads to better learning.

Recently shipped…


repost for ship I made a website to help people choose their printer. this is community made so you can add your printer and give reviews for others to see on a leaderboard, compare existing printer's stats, and save printers as favorites to your profile if you have a 3d printer please add it to the database by filling out the form and feel free to give any feedback or suggestions


Finished the new front end for emfont! Back end needed to be rewritten so it's not ready to be ship yet, but here's some screenshots!


I created a website for my discord bot in tailwindcss, that hosted on Github pages. Github.


Ship Rudder 3D Model


a lot of stuff broke last week and turned blue, which is really horrible and unfortunate but I really don't mind those big ad displays going down... and since I can't hack into those (yet), digital ads would be a fun target so I spent a night hacking away at an extension, and it's finally approved and published it'll turn any Google Ad* into a BSOD, because why not? It's literally hacked together, but why don't you give it a try :p


I worked some more on the pancake maker. I think I’m pretty much done, was gonna try to adjust it to fit different screen sizes but couldn’t really figure it out. not sure if I’m supposed to scrapbook and ship it? First time completing a project so I’m not sure what to do. Game: Repo:


After about a month of work, I think it's ready to ship. My custom mechanical numberpad, the FX19, is open-source and uses 3D printed parts for the enclosure, keycaps, and even the rubber feet (TPU)! QMK is the preferred firmware, but you can use any firmware you'd like. Uses a custom PCB with an ATMEGA32u4 and USB-C connectivity for interfacing with modern devices. Get the files here:


Weeble is now stable and balancing well. Fun rotating head, eyes, and eyebrows working as well! Github here:

@Lati finished my over the bumper intake! (accidentally posted this in #ship lol)


made a 3D card like vercel ship event github repo -


Shipped finderskeepers [done] Last ship for the next few like days!


Just finished creating a SpaceX drone ship in Blender and added it to Roblox Studio for my Mars game on Roblox. Model deployed in a game: Repo link:


I just finished creating a magnetic encoder driver for the SimpleFOC motor control library! It is for the MA735 magnetic encoder, which supports variable resolution and speed, something the library didn't support yet. My pull request got merged! I forgot to update the main README file though with my encoder support beforehand, so people landing on the main page won't know about it without exploring 🙁. Github repo I initially developed the code in: My Fork: Pull request:


made a painting app in python gui :joy-dance:


#scrapbook I have made a alert functionality full stack website github link:

@anjalibaditya Safego is a machine learning-based routing app that finds the most efficient and safe route for users.


I added a projects page to my 90s themed portfolio (you can see the code at


Because we have too many developer accounts, a friend and I created FetchCV, a centralized developer profile. Right now, it only fetches data from GitHub, but we will eventually add support for GitLab, CodePen, and Replit. You can try it now with by searching a GitHub username! #ship #arcade


I have built frontend application of a cryto buying and selling marketplace, it has profile, deposit, overview and many more frontend pages


Made a timer GUI app


made a website that looks like arc browser, but is really just a text box and iframe and buttons that dont work (except the close button)


Just Made a Homework Machine from Scratch #arcade


Made a Vacuum Cleaner #arcade


I accidentally put this in #ship but I think I'm supposed to post this here so here it is again I created a new custom website for an environmental nonprofit I am part of (we used to use wix). Currently the homepage, about page, blog, and petitions pages are done, although we are probably going to redo the design soon because it's a little ugly. We also have an admin dashboard for managing blogs with Oauth. The website is here: And the code is here:

These are just a few posts…

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